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Protect. Preserve. Proclaim.


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The Mission

The mission of Veritatis Splendor is to protect, preserve, and proclaim the truths of the Catholic faith for individuals, families, and society through evangelization and education, supported by a communal life committed to holiness.

The Vision

Veritatis Splendor is a physical and spiritual home for Christians to protect, preserve, and proclaim all of the chief truths and teachings of Christendom. It is a community of true believers who work and live together to safeguard the deposit of faith through an uncompromising fidelity to Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition. We pray the vision of Veritatis Splendor will include a grand oratory and seven institutes of truth professing authenticity to liberal education, law, liberty, human rights, life, media and culture. Directors of the Institutes live and work in the community and, by virtue of the offices they hold, become missionaries in the world to transmit these values in a way that promotes truth, goodness, and beauty and, in so doing, restores Christ in civilization.


VS Board Member joins Eric Sammons on Crisis Point Podcast

Watch our latest VS Video! Go to our media page for more!

Beauty at Veritatis Splendor

These are some of the photos taken at the Veritatis Splendor neighborhood. Although it looks better in real life, some of these images are just breathtaking. To view additional panoramic photos of Veritatis Splendor, please  click here and click on each photo to view in 360.